
A Soft Place to Land

By Amy Kersey | March 30, 2025

People aren’t meant to have hard edges – pointed, sharp, jagged – like shards of glass we avoid for fear of being cut. A friend of mine told me this years ago, and it has always stuck with me, we aren’t meant to have hard edges. She was speaking of our physique, that it is…

Comfortable Christianity

By Amy Kersey | February 16, 2023

We have this unfortunate reality in the West to live quite comfortably as Christians. We live as very safe Christians, in very safe walls, with very safe jobs. We, unsurprisingly, also have this epidemic of a courage deficit. We are quite comfortable doing the bare minimum with little to no cost. A closed door is…

She Wore Brown

By Amy Kersey | January 10, 2023

Brand New Year There is something about a fresh new year, a clean new slate, new mornings chock-full of new mercies. I am excited about this year. As I eagerly move toward future hope, I am mindful that not all people have the hope that I have. I want them to. I want them to…

For the Joy Set Before Us

By Amy Kersey | October 12, 2022

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2, NIV For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. Jesus knew joy was coming. It…

Mourn with Those Who Mourn

By Amy Kersey | April 18, 2022

Tomboy Shenanigans               I was a pretty brave tomboy growing up–sporty and spunky and full of zeal. I was filled to the brim with a fiercely competitive spirit. I played many an evening outside. I was tough and tumble and unafraid. I did not know what I wanted to do or be when I grew…

Resurrection Sunday in Modern-Day America

By Amy Kersey | April 14, 2022

Dear Pastors and Church Leaders, As I fight my way through crowds this Resurrection Sunday, I implore you to remember us– the Church, the Bride of Christ. As you focus to be seeker-friendly with food trucks, helicopter egg drops, petting zoos, and egg hunts, my body is physically, emotionally, and spiritually aching for a touch…

Essential or Non-Essential

By Amy Kersey | February 22, 2022

Has it dawned on you yet that all of our roles may be essential? Have you determined yet that all of us may be deeply essential to one another– friend or foe? Our roles in which we serve are not what deems us essential or non-essential. How arrogant a thought. How very first-world of us.…


By Amy Kersey | February 5, 2022

I was organizing jewelry this morning and came across a pair of microphone earrings my husband kindly gave me while we were dating. I was reminiscing about the compliments I had received from other singers on a worship team I was on at the time. They oohed and ahhed over the reminder that we were…

Constancy- Responding Consistently

By Amy Kersey | May 18, 2021

Mathew 6:33(HCSB) But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. In preparing to write the final blog of this series, “As We Respond, He Responds,” I’ve been reminded of our deep & desperate need for stillness. Let’s look at more of the text: Matthew…

A Poem on Worship

By Amy Kersey | May 10, 2021

In the lull of a morning In the hush of a crowd In His arms ever reaching In the praising Him loud In conflict and strife In deep-seated sorrow In the loss of my pride In the wasted time, borrowed In uncertainty and certainty In the worries sure to come In the sweet Savior’s constancy In…